F) Matching-the-Columns Exercise

Facilitator Notes: In this activity, learners are asked to enter the number of the word on the left hand column that best matches a phrase on the right hand column. (Answers are found in the appendices.)

Learner Activity

1. bacteria a. surface should be cleaned immediately after using with poultry ( _ )
2. foodborne illness b. put meats in the fridge before this ( _ )
3. perishable foods c. do this when in doubt ( _ )
4. utensils d. the best way to test how well meat is cooked ( _ )
5. improvement e. important to do this when putting foods in the fridge ( _ )
6. discard f. 2 million Canadians per year have this ( _ )
7. cutting boards g. found on the surface of some foods ( _ )
8. two hours h. these must be eaten fresh or kept cold ( _ )
9. thermometer i. means “to get better” ( _ )
10. separate j. knives, forks, etc. ( _ )