The Jim Hurley Story

(Elaine Woodford)

It was February 2nd, 1965, that Jim Hurley, along with a few of his buddies, left for Herring Neck to take part in the Candlemas Celebrations at the Orange Lodge. That night there was a supper and a dance to end the "Time".

From what I've heard my parents and other people in the community say, Jim had a few drinks that night and had gotten into a dispute with some fellow.

As the story goes, Jim left the Lodge after the Time was over and headed for home on foot. It was a pretty bad night for walking so a couple of people suggested that Jim should spend the night in Herring Neck. But, for whatever reasons he wouldn't stay; he left alone.

The next morning Ross Woodford was on his way to White Point to check out the wood he had cut there earlier. As he crossed SudderBar (Southern Bar), the horse that was pulling his cart stopped and refused to go any further.

Up ahead, lying on the ice, was Jim Hurley. One of his boots was standing straight on the ice and his body had melted the ice beneath him about an inch or so.

The RCMP said that he had become exhausted and disoriented; he didn't know which way to go so he lay down on the ice. It was there that he perished. The community was shocked and saddened to hear of the tragedy.


  1. Can you remember going to a Time when you were young? If not, ask someone older than you to tell you what a Time is. Write a few sentences to describe it.

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