Section Two
Module Four: Assertiveness and Self-Advocacy

Key Considerations:
A person with high self-esteem values him or her self and, as a result, finds it easier to be assertive. Why is this? The person:

  • Recognizes that his or her needs are important
  • Is prepared to communicate what he or she wants in a clear and well-informed manner
  • Recognizes self as having strengths

Most people are assertive in some situations and not in others. Some find it easier to be assertive with strangers, others find it easier to be assertive with friends. Some people will not assert themselves in situations where they feel reprisal is inevitable. However, when we stand up for ourselves and express our honest feelings and thoughts in a direct and appropriate way, everyone will benefit. A person can only change his or her behaviour toward another person when he or she is aware of how that behaviour affects the other person. Interpersonal relationships are hurt when we try to control others through hostility, intimidation, or guilt. When we sacrifice our rights, we frequently teach others to take advantage of us.

When people respond to situations in an aggressive rather than an assertive manner, it does not necessarily follow that they are confident individuals. In many cases they may have as low a self-esteem as persons who are generally quiet and passive.